Your Brain on Exercise: New Research Indicates That Every Move Matters

Your Brain on Exercise: New Research Indicates That Every Move Matters Remember when you convinced yourself that "real exercise" meant sweating at the gym for hours? Well, science has some good news for your guilt-ridden conscience. Whether doing gentle morning stretches or chasing Pokémon around your neighborhood, you're seriously upgrading your brain. A massive new study from the University of South Australia changed the game. After analyzing data from over 250,000 people across 2,724 studies, researchers discovered something fascinating: any movement – yes, literally any – can boost your brainpower. We're talking about sharper thinking, better memory, and improved focus, regardless of your age or fitness level. Here's where it gets interesting. You don't need to train like an Olympic athlete to see results. In fact, low to moderate-intensity activities showed the most significant brain benefits. That means your peaceful morning walk or lunchtime yoga sess...