Do B Vitamins Boost Energy?
Do B Vitamins Boost Energy? The claim that vitamin B is t he solution for low energy remains popular-but is just as misleading today as it has always been. That doesn’t stop supplement manufacturers from loading up their capsules and tablets with these vitamins. B-complex supplements often provide several hundred or even thousands of times the daily RDA of various B vitamins. And many supplements labeled “high energy” are just B vitamins. Energy drinks and shots also tend to contain high doses of B vitamins. There is some twisted truth behind this claim, which marketers use to spin the story to their advantage. It’s true that B vitamins are involved in energy production, but the vitamins aren’t the source of energy. Only food provides energy in the form of calories from carbs, fat, and protein. Rather, B vitamins help convert dietary energy into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the form of energy that your body uses, in a series of complex chemical reactions. B vitamins also a...