Autophagy:The Body's Anti-aging process

Autophagy: The body's Anti-aging process

Autophagy is how the body removes and recycles dangerous, and
damaged organelles and particles, as well as pathogens, from inside cells, thus aiding your immune system and greatly reducing your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, chronic inflammation, osteoarthritis, and neurological disorders such as depression and dementia.

Autophagy makes us physiologically more efficient by getting rid of defective parts, promoting healthy metabolism, stopping cancerous growths,
and preventing metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity --- which means that by boosting your body's autophagy, you dampen inflammation, slow down the aging process, reduce your risk of developing certain diseases, and optimize your biological function.

The autophagy process is activated by intermittent fasting and calorie restriction.
Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction turn up the autophagy dial, increasing protein turnover and cellular repair.

By eating less you can optimize autophagy which may contribute to less chronic diseases and possibly a longer life.

Live well!


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